vineri, 28 august 2009

Ibn El Arandali [for Ramadan]

Ibn El-Arandali (Son of Arandali): This drama written by Walid Youssef and directed by the Syrian filmmaker Rasha Shorbatji is about a corrupt lawyer whose main quest in life is to keep criminals out of prison. Yehia El-Fakharani stars with Dalal Abdel-Aziz, Maali Zayed and Wafaa Amer.

joi, 27 august 2009

Ramadan 09

Anul acesta, Ramadanul, perioada postului pentru musulmani, incepe pe 13 septembrie si se incheie la 12 octombrie, conform calendarului lunar islamic. Ramadan este cea de-a noua luna a calendarului islamic si este considerata cea mai spirituala si mai sfinta a anului. Aceasta este luna in care profetului Mohamed i-a fost revelat Coranul, iar cea mai sfinta noapte a lunii este cea numita Laylat al-Qadr, Noaptea Decretului sau a Sortii. Musulmanii cred ca in aceasta noapte Allah i-a transmis primele versete din Coran profetului Mohamed prin intermediul arhanghelului Gabriel. Profetul era, in momentul primei revelatii, in virsta de 40 de ani.

Credinciosii musulmani considera ca Laylat al-Qadr este noaptea in care le este decisa soarta pentru urmatorul an si de aceea o petrec in rugaciune, cerind de la Allah mila si ajutor.
Pe toata durata lunii Ramadan, musulmanii trebuie sa tina post de la rasaritul pina la apusul soarelui. Postul presupune abtinerea de la mancare si bautura, dar si de la fumat si sex. Musulmanii nu au voie nici sa bea apa in timpul zilei sau sa inghita medicamente. Pentru cei bolnavi, femei gravide sau musulmani aflati in calatorie, numarul de zile de post poate fi mutat ulterior trecerii lunii Ramadan. La apusul soarelui, momentul in care musulmanii au dreptul sa intrerupa postul, are loc masa numita Iftar, la care se string de obicei intreaga familie si prietenii. In Evul Mediu, momentul Iftarului era marcat in cetatile sau orasele arabe prin lovituri de tun.

joi, 6 august 2009

Leila Kanaan, amazing girl

Leila Kanaan is the youngest music video director and filmmaker in the Middle East. At the age of 24, her sensitivity and capacity of mood creation and innovation made her one of the most demanded directors in the Arab World.

Leila was born in Sidon (South Lebanon), from a doctor father and a household mother. Since her very young age, Leila used to pass her time belly dancing and sewing canvas. When she was thirteen, she used to sit on her house’s balcony for hours, watching cars passing by and trying to imagine the stories of their drivers and the people inside those cars. At this age, she got interested in photography, collecting stamps and chocolate packages. After graduating from school with a Lebanese and a French baccalaureate, Leila decided to enter IESAV (Institute of Theatrical and Audiovisual Studies). During her four years of study, Leila gained experience by working as assistant director, sound engineer, camera operator and editor on short films, TV spots, TV clips and documentaries.

My favourite music Videos directed by Leila:

“Ma T’oulch Lhad” – Haifa Wehbe – 2006
Daring, provocative and controversial, the video became the talk of the region. She was the first to portray Haifa in a very glamorous, elegant, sensual and classy way. The art direction of the video was signed Ivan Maussion and the costumes were created by renowned designer Nicolas Gebran especially for the video. Somewhere between classical ballet, vintage pin-up girls, Broadway and Las Vegas, the collaboration of the two ladies gave birth to a sophisticated unordinary video.

“Kelmet Hob” – Sofia Marrikh – 2007

Mosh Ananiya” – Myriam Fares – 2008

“Lamset Eed” - Nancy Ajram - 2009
In a short-movie drama in times of war, Nancy plays the role of a lady separated from her lover, a resistance leader, who helps him by transmitting secret information about the enemy.

"Mashi Haddi" - Nancy Ajram-2009

Leila Kanaan has been chosen by "Arabian Woman Magazine" to figure between 30 Awesome Arabian woman of 2008-2009.

marți, 4 august 2009

[new] Nancy Ajram - Mashi Hadi [super]

In a weird place and time – where a dishwasher looks like a huge mechanism and colored fish appear in a frying pan – Nancy is annoyed by her extremely "macho" boyfriend, who seems to be obsessed by his own self and the "chicks" all around: Wherever they go, Nancy has to deal with his seductive manners… But the guy will soon realize that one does not mess with Nancy! Add to this relation a funky pastel colored setting, extravagant characters and funny situations, and you will get the taste of Nancy Ajram’s latest music video, “Mashi Haddi”.
The shooting took place in studios, in Beirut, under the direction of Leila Kanaan.

sâmbătă, 1 august 2009